IT Infrastructure Sales

IT Infrastructure Sales Solutions

Revolutionize Your Business with Premier IT

Infrastructure Solutions


Empower Your Business with Cutting-Edge IT Infrastructure Solutions. At Tier 5 Systems, we specialize in providing top-tier IT infrastructure sales services designed to drive efficiency and innovation. From power to IT cabinets and cooling, our comprehensive solutions ensure your business stays ahead in the digital era. Experience seamless integration and unparalleled support, tailored to meet the unique needs of your commercial enterprise in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia.

Tier 5 Systems offers a range of IT infrastructure products to boost data center efficiency, including secure cabinets, UPS systems for backup power, power bars, distribution solutions, and cooling technologies, power monitoring and data center management software. Our suite ensures your IT setup is dependable and equipped for modern computing demands.

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Case Study

The Challenge

Maximizing the available floor space for IT cabinets was a top priority for data center customers, therefore, this cloud service provider needed to ensure that none of the UPS or power distribution systems encroached on this crucial white space.

What We Did

Tier 5 collaborated with the infrastructure manufacturer and their design team to identify space-efficient solutions. The decision was made to implement Lithium Ion UPS solutions due to their compact size compared to conventional VRLA battery UPS systems. Additionally, a power busway system was selected to provide branch circuits to each IT cabinet.

What We Achieved

Tier 5 devised and implemented a solution that optimized white space utilization by positioning IT racks strategically, utilizing wall space for Lithium Ion UPS setups, and capitalizing on ceiling space for power busways. This arrangement maintained the conventional ceiling area for data cabling routes and heat rejection piping. Each rack is equipped with intertwined UPS feeds, and the cooling system boasts complete redundancy.

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